
Best Supplements for Hair Loss - Effective Treatments

Supplements for Hair Loss
Best Supplements for Hair Loss - Effective Treatments

Are you losing hair? You're not alone. Almost 80% of men and half of all women face this. While shedding hair is normal, losing over 50-100 strands daily could be troubling. Good news is some nutritional supplements might help. These can be effective against specific hair loss types, like androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.

A recent study looked at 30 past reports on humans. It included 17 trials. The results were hopeful for several supplements such as pumpkin seed oil, zinc, vitamin E, and omega fatty acids. Even commercial products like Viviscal and Nutrafol showed they might boost hair growth and add to hair volume. Plus, they usually have few side effects.

But, the research team stressed we need bigger, stronger studies. These would give us a clearer picture of how safe and useful these supplements are. They also pointed out the importance of a good diet and dealing with any health issues. Doing these can also help with hair loss.

Key Takeaways

  • Nearly 80% of men and half of all women experience hair loss during their lifetime.
  • Nutritional supplements may help treat certain types of hair loss, such as androgenetic alopeciaalopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.
  • Promising supplements include pumpkin seed oil, zinc, vitamin E, omega fatty acids, and commercial formulations like Viviscal and Nutrafol.
  • Larger clinical trials are needed to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of these supplements.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet and addressing underlying medical conditions are also important in preventing and treating hair loss.

Understanding Hair Loss and Its Causes

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a common problem that affects millions. Knowing the types of hair loss and the cycle of hair growth is key to solving this issue.

Types of Hair Loss

The common types are androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness), alopecia areata (causes patchy hair loss), and telogen effluvium (temporary hair shedding from stress or illness).

Less common types include central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (mainly affects Black women), among others caused by hormones, genetics, or illnesses. Diet and vitamin deficiencies can also play a role.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair grows in anagen (growth phase), transitions in catagen, and rests in telogen. Around 85-90% of follicles are in anagen, lasting years. The catagen phase lasts around 14 days, then hair enters a 3-4 month telogen phase before shedding.

If the growth cycle is interrupted, more than 50-100 hairs per day can be lost. It’s vital to learn about the hair growth cycle and various hair loss types to find solutions.

FDA-Approved Medications for Hair Loss

The FDA has approved two medications to treat hair loss. These are minoxidil, known by the brand Rogaine, and finasteride, known as Propecia. Minoxidil is a liquid you apply to your scalp. It helps both men and women grow hair back if they're losing it in certain ways. Most men, about two-thirds, will see improvement with it.

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Rogaine comes in two strengths: 2% and 5%. It can slow down hair loss and help start new hair growth. How well it works can vary, though. For some people, it's very effective. For others, it just helps a bit. And for some, it doesn't work at all.

Finasteride (Propecia)

Finasteride is a pill that stops the making of a hormone called DHT. DHT causes male baldness. Almost 90% of men find Propecia slows or stops their hair loss. And about two-thirds see new hair grow. It's best for early to moderate hair loss. Men with a lot of hair loss might not see much new hair with Propecia.

If you can't get surgery or medicine for your hair, there are other choices. You can add more hair or totally replace it. Some options are short-term, like adding more hair. Others are long-term. Low Level Laser Light therapy is one choice for women. It works well when combined with other treatments or after surgery.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Hair Loss

Research shows that not getting enough iron can lead to hair loss. When your body lacks iron, you may also shed more hair than usual, suffering from anemia too. It's not just iron that causes this. Vitamins B, C, D, and zinc play their parts as well. A balanced diet is key to keeping your hair healthy.

Studies indicate that lack of vitamins D, B12, and other important nutrients is tied to thinning hair and alopecia. Rebooting your vitamin levels can greatly help improve your hair’s health. It fixes issues like shedding and reduces hair loss. These vitamins are crucial for making hair the right way and keeping it healthy.

Men and women face different likely nutrient deficiencies. Men might run low on Vitamin D, B6, B12, and more. Women, on the other hand, often need more of Vitamin B12, Iodine, and others. Not getting enough Vitamin D shows up in your hair. It can make it dry and prone to breaking or graying early. Vitamin A lacking can also weaken your hair. It might look thin, fall out more, and take longer to grow back.

Not having enough Vitamin E may cause your hair to fall out more. You might notice it getting thinner or easier to break. A short supply of Vitamin C can dry and break your hair. This makes your hair loss recovery slower. Folic acid is important for growing healthy, new hair. If you're short on it, you might not regrow lost hair as quickly. Finally, being low on zinc can make your hair sparse.

Nearly all people who are losing their hair have low iron. A lot – about 80% - of these people were also low on Vitamin D. In 2020, a study confirmed this link. It found that folks losing their hair had less Vitamin D in their blood than those keeping their hair. Low iron levels were also commonly found.

Supplements for Hair Loss

Alongside FDA-approved drugs, studies show some supplements might help with hair loss. A review of 30 studies pointed to positive results for the following:

Zinc and Vitamins

Not getting enough zinc and certain vitamins can affect hair health. Research indicates that zinc, vitamins B, C, and D could reduce hair loss and boost growth. Taking these nutrients could be key if you're losing hair due to a lack of them.

Tocotrienols and Antioxidants

Tocotrienols, a type of vitamin E, can aid hair growth and make hair denser. Also, antioxidants, like those in blackcurrant seed oil, improve hair follicle function and lessen hair fall.

DHT Blockers

DHT, a hormone, is linked to male and female pattern baldness. Products like saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil might help by blocking DHT's effect, lessening hair loss.

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Boosters

IGF-1, a hormone, is crucial for hair follicle health. Some supplements, mainly with marine-based ingredients, can boost IGF-1 and help with hair growth.

SupplementMechanism of ActionKey Findings
ZincSupports hair follicle health and hair growthImproves hair density and reduces shedding
Vitamin E (Tocotrienols)Exhibits antioxidant properties and stimulates hair folliclesEnhances hair growth and increases hair thickness
Saw PalmettoBlocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a key driver of androgenetic alopeciaSlows the progression of hair loss and promotes regrowth
Marine-derived Ingredients (e.g., AminoMar C™)Boost IGF-1 levels, vital for hair developmentIncreases terminal hairs and boosts hair quality

Although these supplements offer hope for hair loss, the evidence is limited. More detailed studies are needed to confirm their safety and effectiveness. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement for hair loss.

Plant-Based Compounds for Hair Growth

Aside from vitamins and minerals, plant-based compounds also help fight hair loss. Glycyrrhizin (licorice), peony extracts, and procyanidin B-2 are beneficial for people with alopecia areata. This is a common condition that leads to patchy hair loss.

Glycyrrhizin (Licorice)

Glycyrrhizin comes from the licorice plant. It's known for reducing inflammation and helping the immune system. This may ease the symptoms of alopecia areataGlycyrrhizin also seems to protect hair follicles by decreasing harmful immune responses.

Peony Extracts

Peony extracts, especially from the peony's root, show potential against alopecia areata. They are thought to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune system benefits. These effects may help enhance hair growth and stop further loss in people with the condition.

Procyanidin B-2

Procyanidin B-2 is another natural compound receiving interest for treating hair loss. It's a polyphenol found in plants known for boosting hair follicle cell growth and differentiation. Research supports its use for better hair growth, especially in treating alopecia areata.

Commercial Hair Growth Supplements

Best Supplements for Hair Loss
Commercial Hair Growth Supplements

Several multi-ingredient commercial formulations are promising in treating hair loss. Some include Pantogar, Nourkrin, and Viviscal. Nutrafol and Lambdapil are also effective.


Pantogar boosts hair growth with essential vitamins and minerals. It has herbal extracts too. Studies show it makes hair thicker and denser within 3-6 months. Pantogar's formula supports hair follicle health for stronger strands.

Nourkrin and Viviscal

Nourkrin and Viviscal are top commercial supplements for hair growth. Nourkrin has a special marine complex. Viviscal includes this too, plus zinc and vitamin C. They've won awards for fighting different hair loss types.


Nutrafol is hailed by leading dermatologists for tackling hair loss. It's made with botanicals to fight underlying hair loss causes like stress. Thousands share success stories online. Nutrafol wins beauty awards and boosts hair thickness in 3-6 months.

Nutrafol makes formulas for different groups, including women post-childbirth. Its ingredients like ashwagandha and collagen fight stress and balance hormones. These help make hair stronger and healthier.


Lambdapil tackles hair loss with a mix of vitamins, minerals, and plants. It fights causes like hormone imbalance and poor nutrition. Studies show it improves hair density and thickness in both men and women.

Safety and Efficacy Concerns

Many studied supplements showed light side effects. Yet, their effectiveness, safety, and quality worries the writers. The problem lies in ineffective or fake ingredients, leading to bad outcomes.

The issue springs from weak supplement regulation. Some hair loss pills might not have what they say. They could even hide harmful stuff. This puts users in danger, as no one is really checking.

If you're thinking about supplements for hair loss, do your homework. Look into the brand, what's in it, and the proof behind these claims. Talking to a doctor first will make sure it's safe and right for you.

Some supplements could help with certain hair loss types. But, real evidence is slight. Be careful with such products. Stick with things approved by the FDA and eating well. This is the best way to deal with hair loss.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is key to fighting hair loss. Increasing protein and iron in your meals can help. Lack of these nutrients often leads to hair loss.

medium sweet potato gives you 160% of the vitamin A you need each day. Almonds cover 48% of your vitamin E needs. Yellow peppers can fill 456% of female vitamin C needs. A medium oyster has 96% of daily zinc needs. And, black beans offer 14% of a woman's zinc needs.

Adding these foods to your meals can boost hair growth. It helps prevent hair loss, too. It's key to eat enough protein and iron. Not getting these can cause hair shedding in men and women.

NutrientFood SourcePercentage of Daily Needs
Vitamin AMedium sweet potato160%
Vitamin EAlmonds48%
Vitamin CYellow pepper456%
ZincMedium oyster96%
ZincBlack beans14%

Supplements for Hair Loss

Some hair loss supplements show promise for certain types of thinning hair. Still, we need more strong clinical trials to understand them better. The FDA's lack of strict oversight on hair loss supplements is worrying. This can lead to products that are not active or might even be harmful.

The big issue with these supplements is how different they can be. This includes their quality, cleanliness, and how much you should take. Without FDA approval, there's a chance of harmful substances, mixing up the product, or wrong information on the label. So, it's important to be careful when choosing or using these supplements.

However, some hair loss supplements have done well in tests. Substances like zinc, tocotrienols, and certain plant extracts, including licorice, peony, and procyanidin B-2, have shown they can help. Also, products like Pantogar, Nourkrin, and Viviscal have good effects on hair health.

As a whole, hair loss supplements could be a good add-on for anyone managing hair loss. But, it's key to be informed about how safe and effective these products are. Always talk to a healthcare expert before you start using them.

Laser Devices for Hair Growth

Supplements are not the only thing people are looking at for better hair. They are also looking into laser devices. These include combs, brushes, hoods, and caps. The idea is that certain laser light can start new hair and keep more from falling out.

A recent look at the evidence, though, found we don't have enough proof yet. We're not sure if these lasers really help grow hair or stop it from thinning. Although some studies show promise, we need more solid research to be sure if these treatments really work.

Still, some laser gadgets are cleared by the FDA for use against hair loss. For example, the Clinical Hair Growth Laser has helped more than 90% of people since 2013. These gadgets use special laser lights to pump up cell activity in your scalp. They also help blood flow and reduce swelling, all which can make your hair better.

The Hairmax brand of laser gadgets is quite popular too. It's rated at 4.6 out of 5 from over 12,900 reviews. These devices are all made in the USA and use top-quality lasers. They have become a common choice for people looking to tackle hair loss differently.

While some debate the effectiveness of laser devices, they're still a hot topic in helping with hair loss. Always talk to a doctor before trying any hair loss solutions. Working out the best way forward for you is crucial.

When to See a Doctor

If you see more hair falling out suddenly, talk to a doctor soon. Losing hair quickly might point to health issues or side effects from medicine. A medical pro can figure out why your hair's falling out. Then, they’ll suggest ways to help, like changing your meds or suggesting new supplements.

Seeing lots of hair on your brush every day could mean something’s up. Pairing this with a sore, red, or itchy scalp is a reason to see a doctor. Catching and treating the problem early can stop more hair loss and even help your hair grow back.

Some health problems, like issues with your thyroid or low iron, can make your hair drop. So can certain drugs for cancer, depression, or blood pressure. A doctor can find the root cause and make a plan to fix it.

Feel worried about losing your hair? Don’t wait to ask for help. Early help often leads to better results. You could once again have a healthy, thick head of hair.


In summary, while nutritional supplements can help with some hair loss, we need more research. These supplements should not be the only solution. Eating well and fixing any health issues you have are crucial steps.

Supplements like zinc and vitamins might help. But, it's important to be careful because the industry isn't well-checked. Always talk to a doctor before starting any new supplements.

Taking care of your health and using proven treatments is the best strategy for most people. Be holistic. This means looking at every part of your life that affects your health, including diet and stress. This approach supports not just your hair, but your overall well-being. It helps you fight potential reasons for hair loss.


What are the most common supplements used for hair loss?

Biotin and saw palmetto are popular for hair loss. Ironminoxidil, and DHT blockers help too.

Vitamins like B, C, and D, along with zinc, are well-known for supporting hair growth. Finasteride is also used.

What causes hair loss, and how does the hair growth cycle work?

Alopecia, or hair loss, can come from many things. These include not enough nutrients, health problems, and hormone issues. Hair grows in three stages: growing, transitioning, and resting.

What are the FDA-approved medications for treating hair loss?

Minoxidil and finasteride are FDA-approved. Minoxidil is a liquid for hair growth, and finasteride is a pill that stops DHT. DHT can cause baldness.

How can nutritional deficiencies contribute to hair loss?

Lack of iron can make hair fall out more. Not having enough vitamins like B, C, D, and zinc can also lead to hair loss.

What supplements have shown promise in treating hair loss?

Pumpkin seed oil, zinc, vitamin E, and omega acids can help. Viviscal and Nutrafol are two supplements that have also shown good results. They help with different types of hair loss.

What plant-based compounds have been studied for their potential to treat hair loss?

Glycyrrhizin (from licorice) and peony extracts, and procyanidin B-2 are being looked at for treating hair loss.

What multi-ingredient commercial formulations have been studied for hair loss?

Pantogar, Nourkrin, Viviscal, Nutrafol, and Lambdapil have all been researched for their effectiveness against hair loss.

What are the concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of hair loss supplements?

Many supplements look promising, but the FDA doesn't regulate them strictly. This means products might not be safe or work as promised. They need more studies to confirm their benefits and safety.

How can a healthy diet help prevent and address hair loss?

Eating a balanced diet with lots of protein and iron can reduce hair loss. This way you avoid or fix hair loss due to not getting the right nutrients.

Are laser devices effective for treating hair loss?

There isn't enough proof yet on whether laser devices really help. Combs, brushes, hoods, and caps need more study to see if they prevent baldness or help hair grow back.

When should someone see a doctor for hair loss?

Seeing many hairs fall out suddenly means it's time to see a doctor. It might signal something is wrong, like an illness or not getting enough nutrients. A doctor can figure out why your hair is falling out and help find a treatment.

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